New Folder.exe Remover

Well u peoples i always seen a folder name newfolder.exe, actually its an old virus, which come to maximum pc by connecting USB or Memory card or any external device. This has an autorun file also which runs in its background, and due to this every folder of pc has the same name folder inside it, so that its that newfolder virus,

if u want to remove this virus the method is very easy you can remove it, by many software,

but the best software that i always suggest to peoples is Malwarebytes and the interesting thing about this software is that is free no purchasing required, you can use it for long time. you can download it from here when u download just simple install it and run the scan, after a few minutes(depending upon your pc) it will catch few viruses, just click on button REMOVE THE SELECTED, it will start removing all the virus, and in the end it will ask for the restart, restart your and u will see that there will be no virus in your,

but you have to scan your other drivers by malwarebytes, by right clicking on the drive and select the scan with malwarebytes, it will start scanning and in the end it will catch the viruses and then delete them and u will see your pc will be having no newfolder virus....

This is not the perfect method. but at-least it will fix your pc. For full security please install any antivirus solution


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