
Showing posts with the label Autoconfiguration ipv4 address

Autoconfiguration ipv4 address 196.254.x.x IP Problem

Today when i connect my laptop to Lan it wasn't getting the ip from my DHCP server. Instead it gives me some weird IP like 196.254.x.x . while my Wifi was working fine, I searched Alot to get to know until i found a great piece of code on a blog. so going to share with you guys. Problem with my Ip. Steps to follow: If you are Using any Firewall disable it (like i use comodo so i disable it temporary) Click on start and click on RUN (or simple press windowsKey+R ) type CMD   Now type the below Codes  netsh interface ipv4 show inter It will show like this.  As we have problem in LAN so my LAN here is Local Area Connection  and Its Idx=11 (we will use this idx number in next code) Now type in this code and replace your Idx number, as mine is 11    netsh interface ipv4 set interface 11 dadtransmits=0 store=persistent   It will show like this.  If it says OK. Congratulations you have done the difficult part Now Click on ...